The Battle for Affordability: Why Diabetic Medical Supplies Are Out of Reach for Many

The Battle for Affordability: Why Diabetic Medical Supplies Are Out of Reach for Many

What Do You Need to Know?

Living with diabetes requires consistent monitoring of blood glucose levels to ensure proper management and prevent complications. Diabetic medical supplies play a crucial role in this, including One Touch Ultra test strips, FreeStyle Libre 14 sensor kits, Dexcom G6 Transmitters, and other glucose monitor supplies. However, the rising cost of these supplies has become a growing concern in the healthcare industry, making them increasingly unaffordable for many patients. This article aims to explore the factors contributing to the high cost of diabetic medical supplies and its impact on affordability and accessibility.

The Rising Cost of Diabetic Medical Supplies

Over the years, the cost of diabetic medical supplies has skyrocketed, creating a financial burden for individuals with diabetes. Patients often find themselves struggling to afford the necessary tools to manage their condition effectively. This battle for affordability has raised serious concerns within the healthcare community, as it directly affects the health and well-being of millions of people.

Impact on Affordability and Accessibility

The high cost of diabetic medical supplies poses significant challenges in terms of affordability and accessibility. Many individuals, especially those without comprehensive insurance coverage, find it difficult to access the supplies they need to monitor their blood glucose levels adequately. This situation can lead to inadequate management of diabetes, potentially resulting in severe health complications.

Factors Contributing to the High Cost

Several factors contribute to the exorbitant prices of diabetic medical supplies. One key factor is patent protection, which grants exclusive rights to the manufacturer and limits the availability of generic alternatives. Without generic options, manufacturers can set high prices, knowing that consumers have no other cost-effective choices.

Additionally, the lack of competition in the market plays a significant role in the inflated prices. Limited competition allows manufacturers to control prices and maintain their market dominance. This lack of competition stifles innovation and prevents the introduction of more affordable alternatives.

Insurance Coverage and Reimbursement Challenges

Insurance coverage and reimbursement policies further complicate the issue of affordability. Some insurance plans have stringent requirements for coverage, limiting the availability of certain supplies or imposing high out-of-pocket costs. This disparity in coverage creates financial barriers for patients who rely on insurance to help manage their diabetes effectively.

Financial Burden on Patients

The financial burden placed on individuals with diabetes is immense. This includes;

  • costs of diabetic medical supplies
  • expenses of medications
  • doctor visits
  • and other healthcare needs

All of these can quickly become overwhelming. Many patients are forced to make difficult choices between purchasing essential supplies and meeting other financial obligations, which can have serious consequences for their health.

The Role of Pharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical companies play a significant role in determining the pricing of diabetic medical supplies. They employ various strategies to maximize profits, including price increases and discounts through rebate programs. While these strategies may benefit some individuals, they often contribute to the overall high cost of supplies.

Government Regulations on CGMs - Prestige Medical Supply

Government Regulations and Policies

Government regulations and policies also play a crucial role in addressing the affordability of diabetic medical supplies. The FDA approval process for new devices and technologies can be time-consuming and costly, hindering the introduction of more affordable options. Additionally, Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement rates may not adequately cover the cost of supplies, making it challenging for individuals relying on these programs to access the necessary tools.

Patient Advocacy and Support Organizations

Patient advocacy and support organizations are essential in raising awareness and advocating for improved affordability and accessibility of diabetic medical supplies. These organizations work tirelessly to represent the interests of individuals with diabetes, pushing for policy changes, and promoting transparency in pricing.

Transparency and Fair Pricing for CGMs - prestige Medical Supply Discount
Promoting Transparency and Fair Pricing

Transparency in pricing is crucial to address the issue of affordability. By making pricing information readily available, patients can make more informed decisions about their healthcare options. Implementing fair pricing practices and promoting competition can also help drive down costs and increase accessibility.

Innovations and Technology in Diabetes Management

Advancements in technology, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, offer promising solutions for diabetes management. CGM systems, like the Dexcom G6, provide real-time glucose readings and can help individuals make more informed decisions regarding their insulin dosage and dietary choices. Exploring alternative solutions beyond traditional monitoring methods can contribute to improved affordability and accessibility.

Steps Towards Affordability and Accessibility

Addressing the issue of affordability requires a multifaceted approach. Price controls and regulation can help prevent excessive pricing and ensure fair competition. Increased competition and the availability of generic alternatives can also help drive down costs. Insurance reform, including comprehensive coverage for diabetic medical supplies, is essential to improve accessibility. Furthermore, patient education and awareness campaigns can empower individuals to navigate the healthcare system effectively and find cost-effective solutions.

Prestige Medical Supply understands these facts, and through smart purchasing and working directly with manufacturers, we are able to pass the savings along to you our customers.


The battle for affordability of diabetic medical supplies is a pressing issue that needs urgent attention. The rising costs, coupled with limited accessibility, place a significant burden on individuals with diabetes. It is crucial for stakeholders, including pharmaceutical companies, insurance providers, government agencies, and patient advocacy groups, to collaborate and implement solutions that promote affordability, transparency, and improved access to life-saving supplies.


1. Are there any assistance programs available for individuals struggling with the cost of diabetic medical supplies?

Yes, several assistance programs and organizations offer support to individuals who face financial difficulties in accessing diabetic medical supplies. These programs may provide discounts, vouchers, or other forms of assistance to help alleviate the burden of costs.

2. How can individuals advocate for more affordable diabetic medical supplies?

Individuals can advocate for more affordable diabetic medical supplies by joining patient advocacy groups, contacting their elected representatives, and sharing their stories and concerns. They can also support initiatives that promote transparency in pricing and increased competition in the market.

3. Are there any alternative solutions for blood glucose monitoring besides traditional test strips?

Yes, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, such as the Dexcom G6, offer an alternative to traditional blood glucose monitoring. CGM systems provide real-time glucose readings and can help individuals manage their diabetes more effectively.

4. What role can healthcare professionals play in addressing the affordability of diabetic medical supplies?

Healthcare professionals can play a vital role in advocating for their patients' needs by staying informed about the challenges patients face regarding affordability. They can provide resources, guidance, and support in finding cost-effective solutions and working with insurance providers to ensure adequate coverage.

5. How can patients ensure they are getting the best value for their money when purchasing diabetic medical supplies?

Patients can compare prices from different suppliers, inquire about available discounts or rebate programs, and consult their healthcare providers or diabetes educators for recommendations on cost-effective options. Additionally, exploring generic alternatives and utilizing patient assistance programs can help reduce costs.

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1 comment
  • I was using GoodRx for awhile to get my Dexcom G6 sensors but it is still to high of a cost for me to afford right now. I was buying them through your company but I couldn’t afford that anymore either. This is my first week without a sensor in 3 years and I have such terrible anxiety because of it. My insurance is so high and until I reach my exorbitant deductible, everything comes out of my pocket. No help at all. Two kids in college and having diabetes is not a good mix. Kids come first.

    Sharon on

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